
Untitled #2-6

Untitled #6, 313 cm x 194 cm; Untitled #5, 169 cm x 223 cm; Untitled #4, 155 cm x 209 cm; Untitled #3, 158 cm x 202 cm; Untitled #2, 156 cm x 205 cm; Acrylic resin relief, textile, tape, plastic leftovers.

Studio, Lisbon, 2023

The works Untitled # originates from common big chain grocery bags. The bags are reversed inside-out revealing their interlaced fibrous structures. Deconstructed by removing partly the seams they become the source for a negative image molded on an acrylic resin relief. Combined and sealed together through a time process of multilayered resin they become the presence of the bags in their physical absence. Parts of bags, stripped out after the mold, leave some traces.

The work addresses both to the original industrial and worldwide standardized material and object as to the labor-based finishing of the bags.  A contrast between the two moments is revealed within a transitional space. The two images merge in a new image extending in time their deconstruction. 


Name, Gallery Name, City, 2020

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