
The Poet’s Garden

Plaster, paper, copy machines, shredders

Installation view, BALTSprojects, Zurich, 2015

In the installation The Poet’s Garden, specific elements chosen in the space, made out of Eternit, are reproduced. A section of a pipeline and a 3 meters long conduit are copied and mounted face to face to their models. Almost unrecognizable within the space as external objects, the two sculptures are hanged by using the same devices used to fix the functional objects. However, both sculptures distinguish themselves from the real objects by reproducing only part of their reference. Their a-functionality is therefore underlined, as their reduced lengths would make them useless. The distance to the real object becomes clearer in the hanging cylindric sculpture, where its chameleon-like presence is strengthened by the white color of the plaster that blends it into the wall.

The two sculptures made of plaster get combined into the space by two copy machines, mounted unnaturally high in the space, almost hitting the ceiling in the two opposite sides of the exhibition space. A photo-reproduction of both sculptures is printed alternately each minute by the two copy machines. The printing activity and the falling noise of the papers set the constant exact marching time ad absurdum. Two shredders, nearby the copy machines, are activated by the visitors to shred the falling papers. In a cyclical activity of production and reproduction, the work addresses the meaning of disappearance of the matter while a new image is constantly re-created.

The Poet’s Garden is inspired by the work with the same title made by the landscape architect Ernst Cramer in the occasion of G59 (the Swiss Horticulture Exhibition in 1959): a geometrically ordered garden with artificially constructed pyramids distinguishable under the lawn cover.


The Poet’s Garden, BALTSprojects, Zurich, 2015

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