

Multi-part installation, steel elements, wire mesh fence

Gasträume 2014, Public Art in Zurich, Duttweiler-Areal, Zurich, 2014

The intervention starts on the basis of the already existing differently coloured asphalt surfaces on the ground of the fenced-in no-man’s-land, situated between multi-lane transit routes, as if they were cartographic elements.

The previously installed fence that surrounds the wasteland is used within the work as a precept for the selection of materials in the intervention. Thus, within the already fenced-in area, several new fences appear, which in principle do nothing other than to delimit, and supposedly protect, an empty space. Seen from above from a nearby bridge, the shadows of the fences, due to continuously changing light conditions, transform constantly the image of the work. By direct sunshine light the borders of the grey surfaces get blurred through the shadows, and the confined asphalt areas project their image over the fences. Through the source of the sun light the metal fences become a membrane like border, an osmotic mutation between inside and outside. The project addresses the rapidly changing urban space. The site is part of the former industrial area Zurich-West, a former center-point of production, today an example of the speculative process the city of Zurich is undergoing.


Gasträume 2014, Public Art in Zurich, Duttweiler-Areal, Zurich, 2014

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